Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tweety Poem

They say I am cute and cuddly
And that my countenance can bring tears
To even the stoniest of individuals
Who has been hardened by passing years

But I am just a stuffed-toy animal
I am made of rags and odd parts
I have neither skin, nor flesh, nor bone
Nor muscle, nor a brain, nor a heart

My plastic eyes give me no sight
My soft nose no sense of smell
Which, even to a pretend-dog
Is certainly a fate from hell

I cannot move, not even to frown
I am incapable of making noise
If they stand me up and leave me
I can but stay. I have no choice

They let me watch TV I cannot see
They play me music I cannot hear
They give me food I cannot eat
But I just needed them to be near

An inanimate toy though I am
I can still give and receive love
I can also offer comfort and solace
As intended by God in high above

For a soul I have been blessed with
And it is not a gift from mankind
Who has no ken of the one Mystery
That only comes from The Maker's Mind

He is Infinite Love and Compassion
A Shepherd who leads His flock
And if you look closely you will find
Among His lambs a little toy dog

I will look back upon my so-called "life"
And give thanks for every kind thought
That proves Miracles do happen
And that just a stuffed-toy I am not


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